International Occupational Hygiene Training.
iCapacity Resource Limited is the first in Ghana to offer Occupational Hygiene Qualifications in Ghana and West Africa. iCR are an accredited training provider with the British Occupational Hygiene Society. We provide Consultancy and Training in the following British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) that lead to the Chartered Industrial Hygienist status.
Some of the qualification include:
W201 – Basic Principles in Occupational Hygiene
The course is the essential training for the Foundation Level qualification. It is designed to be delivered as a 5-day taught programme including student assessment. The student manual can be used as a free-standing reference for those wishing to study independently.
W501 Measurement of Hazardous Substances
The course is a core module for the International Occupational Hygiene Certificate. It is designed to be delivered as a 5-day taught programme including student assessment. The student manual can be used as a free-standing reference for those wishing to study independently.
W502 Thermal Environment
This course aims to provide attendees with a sound understanding of the effects of the thermal environment on people and a means of assessing and controlling the risks associated with thermal stress.
W503 Noise – Measurement and Effects
The course is a core module for the International Occupational Hygiene Certificate. It is designed to be delivered as a 5-day taught programme including student assessment. The student manual can be used as a free-standing reference for those wishing to study independently.
W505 Control of Hazardous Substances
The course is a core module for the International Occupational Hygiene Certificate. It provides candidates with the ability to describe how exposure to hazardous substances arises in the workplace and develop knowledge of methodologies and technologies available to control exposures and reduce risks to health.
W506 Ergonomic Essentials
This course provides a broad-based introduction to ergonomic principles and their application in the design of work, equipment and the workplace. Consideration is given to musculo-skeletal disorders, manual handling, ergonomic aspects of the environment as well as to the social and legal aspects.
W507 Health Effects of Hazardous Substances
This course provides an introduction to the principles of toxicology, physiology and epidemiology. The course will cover the main types of harmful effects to target organs from exposure to chemical hazards at work, and the hazards associated with common hazardous substances.