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International Industrial / Occupational Hygiene Training In Ghana

The Certificate in Occupational Hygiene introduces you to the basic principles associated with occupational hygiene such as the fundamentals of toxicology, human physiology and industrial diseases, and hygiene standards.

With the increase of industrial activity, more and more employees are becoming exposed to hazards in the workplace. It is important to know how to monitor and assess different hazards to ensure their health and safety.

The International Occupational Hygiene modules are overseen by the Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA), for which the BOHS Faculty is one of the examining boards.

These modules are at the intermediate level of the OHTA’s international qualifications scheme and are based on the original BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) UK Occupational Hygiene modules, but without specific reference to UK or other national legislation.

The end of each training module is followed by a written open book examination.

Relevant practical examinations also contribute to the overall qualification giving the delegate an opportunity to put into practice what they have learned.

Hawkes Health are one of the leading accredited providers of occupational hygiene training and offer all of the BOHS International Occupational Hygiene modules.

Completion of the W201 module enables entry into the BOHS Faculty at Associate grade and will appeal to a wide range of Occupational Health and Safety professionals who wish to expand their professional knowledge.

The W500 module series are a set of intermediate level qualifications which can be standalone in a particular subject or lead towards higher level professional qualifications such as the Certificate of Operational Competence in Occupational Hygiene.

1. W501 Measurement of Hazardous Substances
Provides sound understanding of the techniques for assessing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace and how exposure information can be used to assess risk.

2. W502 Assessment and Control of the Thermal Environment
Provides a sound understanding of the effects of the thermal environment on people and means of assessing and controlling the risks associated with thermal stress

3. W503 Assessment and Control of Noise
Provides an appreciation of the nature of noise hazards in the workplace and the effects of noise on people.

4. W504 Asbestos and Other Fibres
Enhances the student’s knowledge of Occupational Hygiene practice in relation to fibrous dusts.
The module concentrates on asbestos but also covers other fibres, such as machine-made mineral fibres, aramids and carbon, which are increasingly being used in industry.

5. W505 Control of Hazardous Substances
Provides an understanding of the ways in which exposure to hazardous substances arises in the workplace, and introduces the methodologies and technologies available to control exposures and reduce risks to health.

6. W506 Ergonomics
Provides a broad introduction to ergonomic principles and their application in the design of work, equipment and the workplace.
Consideration is given to musculo-skeletal disorders, manual handling and ergonomic aspects of the environment as well as to the social and legal aspects.

7. W507 Health Effects of Hazardous Substances
Provides an introduction to the principles of toxicology, physiology and epidemiology.
The course will cover the main types of harmful effects to target organs from exposure to chemical hazards at work, and the hazards associated with common hazardous substances.